Sunday, March 22, 2009

And the Award Goes to...

This week's big news is that Peg was chosen as a finalist for a National Magazine Award (the magazine industry's Oscar) for a fantastic expose she wrote on hysterectomies for More magazine. This is a really big deal. Peg's thrilled just to be in the running; I'm thrilled because I think she has a really good shot...and because now she's got a reason to splurge on new clothes. Whether or not she wins (the ceremony is on April 30), the industry she's worked in for two decades has publicly acknowledged her talent.

Once again, proof that recognition and achievement are things of the future, not just the past. If you've walked away with a statue, tiara or any other prize for your talent lately, don't be shy. Share the good news with us.

Meanwhile, fingers crossed for Peg.

Friday, March 13, 2009

3 for 3

Pat heard from Sarah she's gotten into all three MFA programs. One even threw her some money. If it were me, I'd be Sally Field-ing all over the place. But Pat's not me, thank God. She's celebrating quietly with friends and family, and not the free world. So I'm doing some bragging for her.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pat's Personal Stimulus Package

Great news (imagine that!): My friend Pat got into two of the three MFA programs she applied to. She heard from Columbia and the New School last week, and she's still waiting to hear from Sarah Lawrence. It was so exciting, you'd think she'd won the lottery (okay, maybe not that exciting, but certainly cause to kvell). The amazing thing is that it was only four months ago that she first starting thinking about this, and now she's on her way. She went out and got what we all could use right now: validation and the promise of new beginning. If she'd won the lottery she wouldn't have to worry about how to pay for it...but she'll find a way. This is too good to pass up.